الله کے سوا کوئی معبود نہیں
بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا
الله کو ان دونوں کی حفاظت کچھ گراں نہیں گزرتی اور وہی سب سےبرتر عظمت والا ہے

Sep 4, 2010

Laughter Is the Best Medicine

The late Erma Bombeck, one of America's funniest columnists and author of quite a few dissertations on the humor of life, knew the importance of laughter. She said "If I could live my life over,", "I would have laughed more." People who laugh are pleasant to be with; pull a long face all day, and you will soon notice that others try to keep out of your way. Laughing speaks of humor and the importance of laughter can never be underestimated. It is part of life.

We all know that it feels good to laugh. We know that a good comedy can uplift our mood and that laughing with friends can completely change how we feel. In fact, we’ve heard the phrase "Laughter is the best medicine." Now a recent study shows that laughter can transform our physical health.On the scientific front, laughter makes for good health. When a person laughs, chemicals named endorphins are released. They make a person feel good, relieving stress and indirectly reducing one's risks of suffering a heart attack and other health problems.

Laughing relaxes facial muscles that can become very tense especially on long working days. Plenty of laughter creates 'laugh lines' in a person's face, giving the person a kindly look, as opposed to wrinkles and creases caused by stress, unhappiness and hardship, which age a person and give him or her a hard and angry appearance.

This fact is important in forming first impressions, which play a role in others' acceptance of a person. It may even affect a job interview or working relationships; humans are occasionally shallow creatures and may assume that a person who looks grouchy is grouchy.

In friendships, laughter is essential to ensure a long-lasting relationship; in marriage, many women want a man who sees the funny side of life. A sense of humor is important to lift a relationship, and there is something special, almost intimate, in sharing a joke with a friend or spouse.

Laughter is uplifting. It enriches a relationship by taking it to a deeper level where there is understanding and a mutual letting go of a person's inhibitions and reservations.

The importance of laughter is, in my opinion, immense. All across the world, laughter's importance is being emphasized by scientists, psychologists and health workers as well as by artists who make a living out of laughter.

In India, there is even a group of people called the Laugh Club who gather occasionally and laugh for a few minutes without stopping. Laughter is a powerful, wonderful thing. If we can learn to laugh, we can learn to live, to press on.

Laughter is a reaffirmation of life. It is hope. Erma Bombeck was right. Don't wait to wish you could live your life over…………………………..

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